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(including French Lessons with Ms Marie)

Our reading readiness lessons incorporate several key elements: a jolly phonics program, three period lessons and various phonetic based materials. Children are exposed to letters and letter sounds continually throughout their day with various lessons, independent self corrective materials and small group teacher instruction.


 Strengthening a child's fine motor skills is a very important part of a child's development. At our school we work very diligently on this process. We have various tools and materials we use to strengthen these small muscles in preparation for writing. Writing is something children are exposed to daily.


In our mathematics program we use many hands-on manipulatives so that children are really able to see and feel as they learn and explore complex mathematical concepts. Children are exposed to numbers and math lessons throughout their day at AMS. They also have small group teacher instruction on various math lessons.


​From science experiments to sensory explorations to STEM activities our science lessons are always a huge hit with the children at AMS and provide a wonderful opportunity to expand the young child's mind.


Geography lessons at AMS can start simply with introductions to land, water, and air, but then quickly children are learning about states and capitals, different countries, continents, bodies of water, etc. We also celebrate and learn about various cultures and explore different traditions. 

Art & Music

At AMS we enjoy art and music daily. We have monthly music classes with Ms Meg. She brings wonderful enriching music and movement lessons to the AMS children to enjoy and experience. We also integrate art in our daily lessons with creative expression, study of famous artists and enjoying the process of creating.

French Lessons

We are thrilled to include French lessons to our AMS children taught by Ms Marie Perdriel (who was born in Southern France). Ms. Marie brings to life French words and culture with her exciting french lessons for the children. They learn all sorts of French words such as colors, counting, greetings, family names, animals, songs and more!

C'est merveilleux!

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16945 W. North Ave.

Brookfield, WI 53005 

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